C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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Text File
58 lines
* Bicycle mileage bar chart
PIC outline
TITLE at 3.5,4.25 font 2 text Bicycle Mileage
TITLE at .1,3 ver font 2 text MILES
TITLE at 3.5,.15 font 2 text MONTH
AREA at .5,.5 size 6.5 by 4
AXIS left to 600 boxes=6
AXIS below to 14 boxes=14 invisible
ISO sparse at 200
ISO sparse at 400
BARS file BIKE.DAT items 1 4 abut 1 of 5 width .09 hatch left gap 2
BARS file BIKE.DAT items 1 3 abut 2 of 5 width .09
BARS file BIKE.DAT items 1 2 abut 3 of 5 width .09 hatch H gap 5
BARS file BIKE.DAT items 1 5 abut 4 of 5 width .09 hatch right gap 4
BARS file BIKE.DAT items 1 6 abut 5 of 5 width .09 hatch square gap 2
* Legend creation
BARS file * base=530 width .09 hatch left gap 2
2 545
LABEL at 1.5,530 left font 2 text 85
BARS file * base=530 width .09
4 545
LABEL at 3.5,530 left font 2 text 86
BARS file * base=530 width .09 hatch H gap 3
6 545
LABEL at 5.5,530 left font 2 text 87
BARS file * base=530 width .09 hatch right gap 3
8 545
LABEL at 7.5,530 left font 2 text 88
BARS file * base=530 width .09 hatch square gap 2
10 545
LABEL at 9.5,530 left font 2 text 89
* Put month names on horizontal axis
AXIS left to 4 invisible
LABEL at 1,-.2 font 2 text JAN
LABEL at 2,-.2 font 2 text FEB
LABEL at 3,-.2 font 2 text MAR
LABEL at 4,-.2 font 2 text APR
LABEL at 5,-.2 font 2 text MAY
LABEL at 6,-.2 font 2 text JUN
LABEL at 7,-.2 font 2 text JUL
LABEL at 8,-.2 font 2 text AUG
LABEL at 9,-.2 font 2 text SEP
LABEL at 10,-.2 font 2 text OCT
LABEL at 11,-.2 font 2 text NOV
LABEL at 12,-.2 font 2 text DEC
LABEL at 13,-.2 font 2 text ave